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For a limited time!
RTL Fixer
5 Devices$149.5
$ 49
One Time Payment -
5 Serials (5 Devices)
*Continuous writing & copy\pasting in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian \ Farsi, Urdu, AfghanUzbek, AfghanPashto, Uyghur, Sindhi, Jawi, Kurdish-Sorani
Copy\Pasting with Tashkil \ Nikud.
Note: Tashkil and Nikud are font dependent and might not show aligned as it should. -
Extra features such as Auto Line Break (For pasting large texts), including\excluding special characters and more
24/7 Customer support
Free updates forever
Supports macOS (Sierra and above)
Supports Windows 10
Add to Cart - 5 Devices
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Best Value
RTL Fixer
3 Devices$89.7
$ 39
One Time Payment -
3 Serials (3 Devices)
*Continuous writing & copy\pasting in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian \ Farsi, Urdu, AfghanUzbek, AfghanPashto, Uyghur, Sindhi, Jawi, Kurdish-Sorani
Copy\Pasting with Tashkil \ Nikud.
Note: Tashkil and Nikud are font dependent and might not show aligned as it should. -
Extra features such as Auto Line Break (For pasting large texts), including\excluding special characters and more
24/7 Customer support
Free updates forever
Supports macOS (Sierra and above)
Supports Windows 10
Add to Cart - 3 Devices
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RTL Fixer
1 Device
$ 29
One Time Payment -
1 Serial (1 Device)
*Continuous writing & copy\pasting in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian \ Farsi, Urdu, AfghanUzbek, AfghanPashto, Uyghur, Sindhi, Jawi, Kurdish-Sorani
Copy\Pasting with Tashkil \ Nikud.
Note: Tashkil and Nikud are font dependent and might not show aligned as it should. -
Extra features such as Auto Line Break (For pasting large texts), including\excluding special characters and more
24/7 Customer support
Free updates forever
Supports macOS (Sierra and above)
Supports Windows 10
Add to Cart - 1 Device
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Note: When making a payment via PayPal account – your registration information will be sent to the email associated to your PayPal account.
- By making this purchase you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
- Once you made a purchase of RTL Fixer – details of how to authorize the app will be sent to your email within 24 hours.
- Users with windows with Arabic language as the display language have to create a new user account with English language (or any other language than Arabic) as the display language to work with RTL fixer, this is due to Windows limitation.
- RTL Fixer does support Tashkil (Arabic) and Nikud (Hebrew). However, it is heavily dependent on the font you’re using. Therefore we don’t hold any responsibility if the Tashkil\Nikud appears not as it should be.
- Continuous writing & copy\pasting in RTL Fixer’s supported languages still very much dependent on the fonts you are using. We have reports on very specific fonts that don’t show up well even when using RTL Fixer. Realize this is out of our control since specific programs like Affinity’s are the ones who control how fonts are shown, which is why we cannot hold accountable for every single font that exists in various languages.
- Due to the nature of digital goods, it’s not possible to “return” them. Which means – we cannot provide refunds for mistaken purchases or any type of issue that wasn’t 100% confirmed by our team as a true “broken” issue. This includes issues while trying to activate the app, even if our team wasn’t able to provide immediate help.
- If you’re experiencing issues or have any requests – open a support ticket here and our support team will be happy to help.