This tutorial will show the process of installing RTL Fixer on your device.
Watch our tutorial videos for a quick walkthrough:
macOS Installation
Windows Installation
Registering your app
Once you click the on\off button on the app you’ll be prompted with the following authorization request:

Once you’ve made your purchase it will take up to 24 hours for your special log in username and password to be sent to your email which you’ve registered with.
When the email arrived – click on the link which will ask you to enter your username and password.
Should look like this:

Your serial will be shown right after logging in like this:

- Important: Please make sure you register the app on your working device as once the serial was made – there won’t be a way to create a new serial without purchasing another one.
Copy your serial and type it inside the registration pop-up from the app.
A message will pop saying your registration was done:

Now you can continue using the app.
MacOS Installation
- After buying the app and downloading the zip file – extract it.
- Copy the app file to your Applications library and load it.
- If MacOS Prompts you with the following error:
“” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be varified.” as shows here:
Please go to Security & Privacy and allow the app to run as shows in this image: - After you made sure the app loads, go ahead and close it.
- Now you must give two more permissions to the app before being able to fully use it. Go to Security & Privacy once again, and now go to Privacy.
- Now you must click the check signs next to the RTL Fixer in the following places:
– Accessibility
– Input Monitoring
– Screen Recording
As shown here:
You can see how to accomplish the above or restore access in case you updated your macOS in this video:
- If app isn’t responsive or doesn’t change anything when you type or copy\pasting – quit the app completely and load it again.
- Load and enjoy the app!
Windows Installation
- After buying the app and downloading the zip file – extract it.
- Load the extracted exe file and install the app.
- If Windows will prompt with this pop-up:
Click on More info and then Run anyway: - Click “Next” as much times as needed until finished.
- Load and enjoy the app!
For any questions or help – please contact our support team.