How to Write Arabic in Illustrator – The Perfect Solution! (2021)

There’s no doubt a real problem exists with programs all over the world with support towards right to left languages such as Arabic, Persian, Urdu and more.

Usually the issue persists of flipped text when typing in Arabic language, even flipped numbers and other character types.

Mind you, this is more than Arabic font not working. We should all be celebrating how Adobe Illustrator supports Arabic and languages like in Middle East (Hebrew is another one).

But really, Arabic or Hebrew – we should all see full support in such languages in programs like Adobe’s or Affinity Designer but that’s just not the case.

Lucky for you though – there’s an amazing solution!

Adobe Illustrator Arabic text is flipped or doesn’t work – What to do?

If you’re still reading this, chances are that you came across Illustrator Arabic text problem which begs the question – How to fix Arabic text in Illustrator?

Surprisingly, the answer to how to fix arabic in illustrator specifically leaves no discussion as there seems to be one fix for the issue.

If you try to type Arabic to Illustrator or any other RTL language for that matter – I introduce to you- RTL Fixer, the ultimate tool to help you write arabic in illustrator hassle free.

What is RTL Fixer?

RTL Fixer is the ultimate right-to-left fixing tool.
It fixes languages like Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew and makes it possible to continuously write in these languages within software or environment that doesn’t supports it.

How does RTL Fixer help with Arabic text in Illustrator or Adobe Arabic support with their other software?

RTL fixer works seamlessly as a background application.

Basically – it manipulates the signals or information your keyboards sends to the application you’re using (Adobe Illustrator in this particular situation) and it makes sure what you write comes out as it should.

And for those of you who asked in some forums How to write Arabic in Illustrator CS6 – well, assuming you have the same issue, meaning – flipped Arabic, Urdu, Persian\Farsi or any RTL language – RTL Fixer will do the trick amazingly, if it’s in Illustrator CC or any other version, including Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo and much more.
I advise you to watch some videos here to see how RTL Fixer works.

Are more languages supported?


RTL Fixer supports many other right-to-left languages and continues to grow more and more as a global tool, one of its kind!

RTL Fixer works with both operating systems, Windows 10 and macOS.

For more information and specifics – please visit:

What is RTL Fixer?

RTL Fixer is the ultimate right-to-left fixing tool.
It fixes languages like Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew and makes it possible to continuously write in these languages within software or environment that doesn’t supports it.

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